
The next steps

Want to know more about Hilcona?

Application process

We process all of our applications digitally through our application platform. If you don’t see a job that interests you, just get in touch.

Following an initial screening, suitable candidates are invited to an online or in-person interview. If we agree to take things further, you will either be invited to a taster day (production) or a second interview that will include a case study and behavioural profile analysis. If everyone is happy after that, we seal things with a handshake and an employment contract.

Every job advertisement has an HR manager listed in it. But if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, do get in touch by writing to

Getting ready to work with us

In the weeks leading up to your arrival, we use the time to put together an onboarding programme tailored to you and your role.

Your career with us will usually begin with a welcome day, where you’ll be provided with all the information you need to get going. After that, we’ll show you your working area and all of the relevant interfaces and people.

The trial period ends – the journey begins

After three months we conduct a final trial period interview, after which we can say another clear YES to each other. We then continue to write our success story together. Click here to see what that might be like.

Want to know more about Hilcona?

Become part of the team.
Schaan am 13.10.2021 Fa. Firma Hilcona Mitarbeiter Bruedertrio, insgesamt 80 Jahre treue Dienste fuer die Firma

Staff tell their stories

Enthusiasm is our recipe for success! But see for yourself.



To us, it’s more than just a trend. Hilcona always likes to lead by example. We have concern for the environment and use resources carefully.



Our mission is clear: fresh produce to enjoy every day! Consumers love it and it helps our customers on their road to success.